
The Associate Nursing Degree:
A Great Way to Get Started!

Let's face it, the profession of nursing will never go out of demand. That's probably why you're doing nursing career research now, right? A career in nursing, or any medical field, can be challenging. But with the challenging education and hard work to get a degree, comes many, many rewards in helping people across the country and even the world. • A great way to start! An associates degree in nursing can be a great first step to a long and rewarding career in nursing. Whether you want to specialize in pediatrics or elder care, an associates degree in nursing will help you decide if you truly want to commit to a career in nursing. An associates degree also gives you a good opportunity to impress an other school you may want to attend after your associates degree. For example, you'll have a much better start in continuing your education and moving on to a bachelor's degree in nursing if you start out with an associates degree. • Earning a nursing degree today is very accessible. You can earn your associate nursing degree by attending a campus-based college or with the assistance of an online college. Using an online college to earn your nursing degree can very convenient, especially if you are working. However, you feel you'll have a lot of questions, you may want to stick to a campus-based college. Also, the campus-based college gives you the opportunity to network with others. • The online degree can be very beneficial because it gives you a lot of flexibility in your schedule. An online degree is a great way to go if you are trying to transition from another career as well. You'll be able to keep your current work schedule and still move toward a career in nursing. The online degree also gives you the opportunity to work from anywhere that has an Internet connection. There's no doubt that online degrees have become incredibly popular – just look at our sponsors! • So what can an associates degree in nursing do you you? An associate nursing degree will enable you to work in any hospital, any nursing facility and under any doctor. The associates degree acts as a foundation, as well as giving you the opportunity to evaluate nursing as a career. • In the current stress economy, many people are turning to the medical field to gain job security. The demand for nurses in very high and all projections predict that the demand will stay high as the baby boomers need more care. • So what can you expect to be paid as a nurse? Nurses typically enjoy a great salary and benefits. and entry level position with a nursing degree will pay in the $45,000 to $49,000 range annually. Becoming a nurse also gives you more opportunity to work more often, which means you can make even more money. Keep in mind, the medical profession is a 24/7 business. Nurses are need at all hours of the day – everyday!

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