
Nursing Salaries for Recent Graduates

If you're considering a career in nursing, you probably want to know what kind of salary range you can expect. Beyond financial gain from being a nurse, there are many other advantages. One of the major advantages most nursing students enjoy, is the fact they can move anywhere to be a nurse. Whether you decide to move or simply decide to pursue your career where you're at now, you'll find as your experience increases, so will your salary. Large cities like Dallas, Houston and Austin hold the top position for the number of nursing jobs available. The larger cities in Texas, not only have higher salaries and better benefits for their nurses, but greater networking advantages. The salaries mentioned in this article are to be used as a guideline and to give you a general idea of the salary range that currently exists. Each hospital will be unique in what type of salary is offered depending on the nurses qualifications and prior nursing experience. Generally speaking, we have seen salaries in the range of $40,000 to nearly $62,000 annually. Other nursing salary studies have reported staff RNs average a median base salary of $41,600. Just over half of the nurses in the US are expected to earn between $38,750 to nearly $44,900, according to Internet resources. Reports go on to state that 67% of nurses are employed in hospital inpatient and outpatient environments and 32% of nurses are employed in medical offices and clinics, nursing homes, schools and home healthcare services. There's no doubt that nursing is an in-demand service that will provide financial benefits with ongoing education and experience.

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